(Pictures of good times from senior year)
So, as most of you already know, I am about to graduate from college! Wow...what a huge change!! As sad as I am to leave Elon, this place I have called home for the past 4 years of my life, it's time to move on to bigger things. I have had so many wonderful memories here: Derby parties, Halloween parties, girls nights, beach trips, and adventures into the city (just to name a few). I will certainly miss this adventurous and glamorous lifestyle! But alas...
What is the next step? Perth! I have decided to move back to Perth for a minimum of a year to pursue some life goals. My current plan is as follows:
1) Have my wonderful roommate, Kellie, find suitable accommodation in Perth (please hope that we get the house that we want and that it is as fantastic as it seems on paper!)
2) Say farewell to my Elon friends, who I will miss like none other!!
3) Head home for a few weeks to see friends and family/pack/get ready!
4) Get on a plane in mid-June
5) Find a job
6) Apply to graduate school (and hopefully get accepted)
If all goes as planned (I get into Curtin's Physio), I will be there for a minimum of 3 years!! I am really hoping that things go my way. While I have beet out on my own for the past 4 years, I feel like living abroad will really test me and I will know if I really am the person I think I am. We shall see...
I'll update again when I know what my definite plans are!!!