Home sweet Home

Home sweet Home
Palm Trees along the Swan River

Sunday, March 15, 2009


This week was not too eventful. Alot of school work and studying...my bio class is turning into a chemistry class. For those of you who know what kind of relationship I have with chemistry..you understand the issues I am having! But I am working through them, so hopefully it will turn out alright.
Friday, some friends and I decided to go to the clubs in an area of Perth called Northbridge. It was pretty fun. Some of the clubs are really crazy, but they are free to get into for the most part so we didn't complain. They play alot of techno, which we are not used to. We did find one that played American music, so we stuck to that one for a while.
Saturday, my friends Livia and Kelsey made dinner for Matt and I, and then we all went over to Matts house to watch movies with his room mates. We watched Basketball, which is really funny, and also Clockwork Orange, which is really wierd and I ended up sleeping through most of it because I a) couldn't understand it and b) it didn't catch my interest.
Today (sunday), I studied for a few hours and then went to Cottesloe Beach with Matt, Livia, Easton and Caitlin. It was a pretty fun day. We hung out on the beach for a while, then went to the Cottesloe Hotel for some food, then went to a party on the beach where they had drumming, fire tossers, juggles etc. It was pretty neat...it only happens every so often so we were glad we could catch it.
This week might be a bit busy. I have alot to study (just to understand the chemistry is enough!), plus I want to get started on some research papers that I have due at the end of the month/beginning of April. It is also Kelsey's birthday, so a group of us are going out to dinner (on the study abroad advisors!) one night.
One funny note: while we were watching movies at Matts house, we saw a cat out the window and Matt's room mate Rhys (said like reese) said he was going to throw a thong at it. Of course, he didn't mean he was throwing ladies underwear at it...he meant a flip flop!! Silly english..
That is all for now!!

<3 jenn

1 comment:

  1. Atta girl! Books good...boys bad! Rick will be proud that his motto is working!

    Can't wait to see you in Perth! We are planning our trip now and hope to finalize the dates this week.

    Love ya!

